Monday, April 19, 2010

new stuff.

School is ending in a couple weeks! I dont know if to be excited or nervous....or BOTH! Hmmm...well, I'm trying to make some plans for the next few months and I really need to find a university in Kansas City if I want to move there next May (2011). If I find a few that I like, I will go and visit them to see how the schools are and compare them.

I also need to find a job, like NOW. So I can raise money to go to Kansas City and help my family while they pay for my school and living.
This woman who attends Burning Man [Ministries] on Saturday nights came up to me last week and told me that God had really put me on her heart and that she had been thinking about me the whole week. So she said, "I know you have been trying to go to Kansas City but are struggling and I just got this new job where I will be making more money than I I want to help pay for your school/ time in Kansas City." I was like jusidnbceufbhebicebc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOMEEEE!! So even if the amount is small I know that's one step closer to stepping into my calling. :D glory to Jesus.

I'm excited for my future because I know that only IN CHRIST can I find true security. :)

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